© DreamWorks Animation © Paramount Pictures
by Paul Lasaine (the adult Humpty on the far right and the adult Puss on the far left)
& Patrick Mate (the other guys)
& Patrick Mate (the other guys)
by Paul Lasaine
by Paul Lasaine (Puss)
& Patrick Mate (Kitty)
& Patrick Mate (Kitty)
by Paul Lasaine
by Paul Lasaine
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Patrick Mate
by Chris Aguirre for Shrek 2 (2004)

I'm afraid there are some mistakes in your credits for these drawings and paintings .On the first image Paul painted the background and the adult Humpty on the far right and the adult Puss on the far left. I painted the other guys on the image .
The two first drawings of Puss are by Chris Aguire.
I painted the younger Puss with the big boots and I painted the thin version of Kitty next to Puss painted by Paul .I also painted this younger Humpty in the beret with the four drawings around him.
Can you please fix these credit errors asap.
Köszönöm szépen
Én köszönöm a kiegészítést Patrick!
Bár nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy érted-e ezeket a sorokat, de gratulálok a Kandúrért kapott újabb Annie-jelölésedhez is! :)
Thank you Peter for the changes. I'm afraid my Hungarian is very limited.My father was Hungarian But he never really taught me so for me it's Nem beszélek Magyarul or Nem to dom Magyarul for the moments.
Vison latashro
'Viszontlátásra.' - I understand. :D
Congratulation to your current Annie-nomination (for your character design in Puss in Boots) too.
And thanks again!
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