
The Secret of NIMH (1982) - Production Drawings & Cels

© Aurora Productions © Don Bluth Productions © Mrs. Brisby Ltd.

Production drawings

Two production cels

The Network Ocean


Daniel Ward said...

These are beautiful. I hope I can luck up and find some good pieces like yours.

Anonymous said...

Awesome resource. I run a Secret of NIMH fansite that has a pretty extensive collection of production art here:

Not sure if you want to borrow any for here, but feel free to get in touch if you do.

Anonymous said...

Don Bluth and Gary Goldman donated a bunch of production art to the Savannah College of art and Design back in 2005 - I think you can view it here:;jsessionid=963E13CA98C446D717F4EEE43D75C466?lang=eng&sp=1000004&sp=4&sp=1&suite=def

There's a lot more in the physical paper collection, but they are slowly scanning things and building up the digital collection.

Peter Nagy-Galambosi said...

Wooow! Big THANKS for the info, Mr. Anonymous! :)

hardingwilliamcody said...

Is this Teresa Brisby's gown was covered in laundry gown from the animation cel in The Secret of NIMH?

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